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Engineering Biology in Cambridge

Cambridge University Synthetic Biology Society Launches

A team of undergraduates including previous iGEM team members have just started a new society, the Cambridge University Synthetic Biology Society (CUSBS).

Guest post by Olivia Lala, Publicity Officer, Cambridge University Synthetic Biology Society

Synthetic Biology (SynBio) is an emerging inter-disciplinary research field at the interface between engineering and the life sciences. Having secured £5000 in funding for the first year the society will focus on two student-led projects. The projects will provide the opportunity to get hands experience doing bio-hardware. As well as this there will be termly talks on new advances in the field given by experts and opportunities to do outreach at local schools.

The first event organised by the society and the Biological Society (BioSoc) included a talk by Dr Tom Ellis on Synthetic Biology - from synthetic genes to synthetic genomes. They are now looking for new members who would be interested in joining, anyone is welcome! 

Anyone interested should email

More details and registration for taster session on 23 Jan >>>
