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Engineering Biology in Cambridge


The Cambridge University Synthetic Biology Society (SynBio Soc) aims to promote the field of synthetic biology (SynBio) amongst the student community and within schools in Cambridge. Particular focus will be given to its real-world applications and interdisciplinary nature. Expert speakers from different SynBio disciplines will be invited to give talks, and links to external SynBio events and networks will be developed. We aim to work closely with EngBio IRC and strengthen direct links with STEM students.

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Our main focus will be to give members hands-on experience in SynBio through student-led projects. These will be fully funded, and will initially be based on developing bio-hardware. Ultimately, the output will be well-documented, open-source and low-cost scientific tools for use either in labs or as educational aids. Students from all scientific disciplines will work on the projects in teams over the course of six months, and be involved in all aspects of the projects from design and construction through to real-world testing.


SynBio Soc will:

- Organise, fund and facilitate student-led projects for members to give them hands-on scientific experience outside their degree.
- Invite current experts working in all areas of SynBio research to talk to students and engage in discussion.
- Carry out outreach activities in local schools to enrich scientific education through workshops and talks.
- Provide members with a link to the network of SynBio initiatives in Cambridge, and promote and publicise SynBio-related events and opportunities.

Here you can find our Constitution.