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Engineering Biology in Cambridge

Cafe Synthetique | 5th Sep | 6-8pm | Panton Arms | Making Proteins: where, why and how? | Dr. Jenny Molloy, Open Bioeconomy Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology |

Café Synthetique is the monthly meetup for the Cambridge synthetic and engineering biology community with informal talks, discussion and pub snacks. This month's theme is: "Making Protiens: where, why and how?" featuring Dr. Jenny Molloy from the Open Bioeconomy Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. 


Café Synthetique is the monthly meetup for the Cambridge synthetic and engineering biology community with informal talks, discussion and pub snacks.

We meet monthly at the Panton Arms to share the latest developments in engineering biology and related approaches and techniques. Speakers range from students and group leaders to industry professionals and entrepreneurs. We are always open to speaker suggestions so if you would like to nominate yourself or another person, please get in touch via

This month's theme is: "Making Protiens: where, why and how?" featuring Dr. Jenny Molloy from the Open Bioeconomy Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. It will be fantastic to see the members of our community coming together again after the pandemic, and we look forward to seeing you all there.

Dr. Jenny Molloy Jenny is the Founder and Director of the Open Bioeconomy Lab. She is also a Shuttleworth Foundation Research Fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge, studying the role and impact of open approaches to Intellectual Property for a Sustainable and Equitable Bioeconomy. Her work focuses on better understanding problems facing researchers accessing biological research tools in low-resource contexts, particularly Latin America and Africa. Jenny has been analyzing existing innovative solutions and the potential for local, distributed manufacturing of enzymes to improve access and build capacity for biological research. The broader aim of her research is to contextualize “open source” approaches to biotechnology within current narratives of innovation and the bioeconomy policy agenda.

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Monday, 5 September, 2022 - 18:00 to 20:00
Contact name: 
Stephanie Norwood
Contact phone: 
Event location: 
The Panton Arms, 43 Panton Street, Cambridge, CB2 1HL