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Engineering Biology in Cambridge



Modern DNA editing and synthesis techniques have the potential to transform the way we address societal problems, with applications from medicine to agriculture, bioproduction and beyond. The development of modular standardised parts, tools and processes is essential to achieve this potential.

Cambridge research in this area has focussed on the development and open sharing of synthetic biology and molecular tools and techniques, as well as the use of in vitro and cell-free technologies for bioproduction. Our researchers are applying these tools in a variety of fields, and we have particular strength in the areas of basic bioscience, biomedicine, plant science and agriculture.



Synthetic and Molecular Tools and Techniques

Our researchers are developing and using molecular biology tools and synthetic biology approaches. This includes standardisation and modularisation of genetic building blocks.


In vitro and Cell-free Technologies

Our researchers are developing and using cell-free extracts and in vitro technologies. These systems are ideal for gene expression and protein production.


Bioscience and Biomedicine

Our researchers are using engineering biology tools to understand basic biology and improve medical treatments.

Plants, Soil and Agriculture

Our researchers are using engineering biology tools to understand plant biology and contribute to global food security.



Events and Initiatives


Open Technologies Project
















